Trees and plants helps to regulate climate and reduce global warming
SDG-15.Trees and tree planting can help us as to live sustainably
Trees are the best carbon capture technology in the world
Trees provide numerous socio-economic benefits to the rural community
Planting Trees to Save Nature
Good Health and Well Being
Germination in plants is the process by which a dormant seed begins to sprout and grow into a a seedling under the right growing conditions.
After Germination, the seedlings are transplanted to the cultivable pot to enhance the growth and increase the life expectancy.
"NGO Partnership is a free facility provided by Government of India at the planning Commission of India (NITI Ayog) to bring about partnership between Government and the voluntary sector Non (Governmental Organizations) and foster better transparency, efficiency and accountability."
"As an official partner of NGO, we have a wide range of responsibilities. We are responsible for providing financial support to the organization and also for promoting its work. We also have a duty to ensure that the organization is run smoothly and efficiently. In addition, we are also responsible for ensuring that the NGO is able to meet its objectives."
Forests have an important role in protecting the homes and communities of animals and people, and they help to maintain the environmental conditions needed for agricultural production.
The leaves of medicine
Iluppai Tree heals skin diseases
Puliyam Tree Controls Diabetes
Figs improves overall gut health.